Soul Purification
Diseases of the Heart
Oppression and Intrigue, and the Ultimate Punishment - II
  Meaning of the planning of Allah The Almighty   As is common knowledge, the manner in which Allah The Almighty plans, fits His Majesty; it indicates the way in which He inflicts punishment on those who conspire evil against His allies and Messengers, which is countering their schemes with good plans.... More
Sep 22, 2024
Excessive Ambitions in this Worldly Life - I
  Having excessive ambitions in this worldly life is one of the greatest diseases of the heart. What is the meaning of this disease? What are its harmful consequences? What is its treatment?   Meaning of Excessive Ambitions in this Worldly Life      Having excessive ambitions in this worldly life is to... More
Sep 22, 2024
Excessive Ambitions in this Worldly Life - II
  The Righteous Predecessors Warned Against Excessive Ambition in this World   The righteous predecessors understood the reality of this world and their hearts became attached to the Hereafter. Therefore, they advised their successors not to incline towards this worldly life and not to turn away from the Hereafter. ‘Ali, may Allah... More
Sep 22, 2024
Free your heart from spite -II
  When people went to visit Abu Dujanah, may Allah be pleased with him, in his death sickness, they saw him happy and his face radiant; they asked him about the reason, to which he, may Allah be pleased with him, replied: “I have two qualities I possessed in my life;... More
Sep 22, 2024
Free your heart from spite -I
  The importance of freeing the heart from spite:   Slaves of Allah! Islam encourages making reconciliation between people in order to maintain good relations amongst the Muslims, to spread love and to keep the hearts of Muslims free from spite. Allah Says (what means): “So fear Allah and amend that which... More
Sep 22, 2024
The 'art' of deception: A new phenomenon
  Allah, the Almighty Says (what means): {O you who have believed, if there comes to you a disobedient one with information, investigate, lest you harm a people out of ignorance and become, over what you have done, regretful} [Quran 49: 6]      Deception is a necessary tool for the success... More
Sep 22, 2024
Hardness of Heart
  The hard heart is that which contains a mixture of harshness and toughness; a heart that is void of submission and the sense of turning to Allah The Exalted in repentance at all times. This is the severest punishment ever. This is why the disbelievers are punished with having a... More
Sep 22, 2024
Excessiveness is the Way of Satan
  When excessiveness befalls some people, they go beyond all limits. Some of these people want to do the most perfect of acts, but they go astray. Facts state that such people end up giving up the performance of these righteous deeds altogether. Ibn Hajar said, “If a person delves into... More
Sep 22, 2024
  Spite is a heavy burden that the person carries which results in his own misery, occupies his thinking, ruins his mind and adds to his grief and anxiety. The strange thing is that ignorant people insist on carrying this heavy evil load, until they satisfy their ego and take revenge... More
Sep 22, 2024
Mockery is a disease from Jaahiliyyah
  Allah The Almighty forbids us from mocking people as He Says (what means): {O you who have believed, let not a people ridicule [another] people; perhaps they may be better than them}[Quran 49:11] Adh-Dhahhaak said,   This verse was revealed when members of the Banu Tameem delegation were mocking the poor... More
Sep 22, 2024
Keep Away from Enmity
  The Muslim has a mission in his life, and is required to be effective, active, tolerant and social, mixing with other people and dealing with them with tolerance and in accordance with the worthy Islamic attitudes and behavior.   Allah Almighty Says (what means): "And hold fast, all of you together,... More
Sep 22, 2024
Mother's Day-An Islam Perspective
  The Prophet, , said that his Ummah (nation) would imitate the previous nations from among the Jews, Christians and Persians. He did not say this, of course, by way of praising their deeds in so much as by way of dispraising and chastising those who do so.   It was narrated... More
Sep 22, 2024
Mother's Day – A Historical Synopsis-I
  {And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age [while] with you, say not to them [so much as], "uff," and do not repel them but speak to them a noble word.} [Quran 17:23]... More
Sep 22, 2024
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