Dangerous Practices
The Pagan Origins of Halloween
  All Saints' Day, Nov. 1, feast of the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches, the day God is glorified for all his saints known and unknown. Roman Catholics are obliged to hear Mass on this day. In medieval England it was called All Hallows; hence the name Halloween (Hallows' eve) for... More
Sep 18, 2024
The origin of April Fools’ day
  Many theories have been put forward about how the tradition began. Unfortunately, none of them are conclusive. Thus, the origin of the “custom of making April fools” remains as much a mystery to us as it was back in 1708 CE.   The most popular theory about the origin of April... More
Sep 18, 2024
Intellectual emptiness is the main gate to atheism
  By: Abu ‘Abdur-Rahman Al-Idreesi   By intellectual emptiness, we mean that the state a person often passes through in his childhood and youth, and which may extend into old age, and even until death. In short, 'from cradle to grave'. It is a state of ignorance that includes religious creed. An... More
Sep 18, 2024
The gravity of accessing doubters’ websites
  By: Badr Ad-Deen Araaq – Islamweb.net   One of the most prominent features of our present time is the easy access to information, thanks to the modern means of communication that have helped us overcome many obstacles and made easy what was once difficult. Sadly, many Muslim youths are being hit... More
Sep 18, 2024
Celebrating Valentine's Day
  Allah has chosen for us Islam as our religion and He will not accept any other religion from anyone, as He Almighty Says (what means): {And whoever desires other than Islam as religion - never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the... More
Sep 18, 2024
The Muslim's attitude towards Valentine's Day
  The Muslim's attitude towards this holiday should be clear:   1- A Muslim should not celebrate this pagan festival, or join others in their celebrations of it, or attend their celebrations because it is forbidden to celebrate the festivals of non-Muslims.   Ath-Thahabi said: "If the Christians have a festival and the... More
Sep 18, 2024
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