Prophet Muhammad
After Hijrah (Migration)
The covenant between the Prophet and the Jews
  Soon after emigrating to Madeenah and making sure that the pillars of the new Islamic community were well established on strong bases of administrative, political and ideological unity, the Prophet embarked upon the task of establishing regular and clearly-defined relations with the non-Muslims there, who comprised of Jews and Arab... More
Sep 7, 2024
The conquest of Makkah, 20 Ramadan - II
  Abu Sufyaan honored   Al-'Abbaas, may Allah be pleased with him, appeared before the Prophet of Allah, sallalahu alayhi wa sallam, and submitted, Abu Sufyaan is a person who loves honor, so would you please give him some special honor. At this he, sallalahu alayhi wa sallam, said, He who enters... More
Sep 7, 2024
The conquest of Makkah, 20 Ramadan - I
  According to the terms of the treaty of Hudaybiyah, the Arab tribes were given the option to join either of the parties with which they desired to enter into treaty alliance, the Prophet's sallalahu alayhi wa sallam, (may Allah exalt his mention) or the Quraysh's. As a consequence, Banu Bakr... More
Sep 7, 2024
The establishment of the first Islamic state -I
  We have already mentioned in the previous article that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah exalt his mention) arrived in Al-Madeenah on Friday, Rabee’ Al-Awwal 12, 1 AH, i.e. September 27, 622 CE and took the lower portion of the house of Abu Ayyoob, may Allah be pleased with him,... More
Sep 7, 2024
The establishment of the first Islamic state -II
  A Charter of Islamic Alliance:   Just as the Prophet (may Allah exalt his mention) had established a code of brotherhood amongst the believers, he was also keen on establishing friendly relations between the Muslims and non-Muslim tribes of Arabia. He established a treaty aimed at ruling out all pre-Islamic rancor... More
Sep 7, 2024
The Expedition of Dhat-ur-Riqaa'
  The names of some of the battles that occurred during the lifetime of the Prophet and his Companions were derived from the extent of suffering and hardship experienced by them for the sake of Da‘wah (calling to Islam) and for the sake of spreading it.   Here, we will discuss the... More
Sep 7, 2024
The battle of Badr, 17 Ramadan - II
  Now the disbelievers launched a full-scale attack and the Muslim troops also moved forward to face their enemies. Both sides showed great valor. As the day of Badr drew towards its close, the defeated disbelievers fled the battlefield leaving behind seventy men slain and seventy as prisoners. When the fighting... More
Sep 7, 2024
The battle of Badr, 17 Ramadan - I
  At the beginning of the month of Ramadan, 2 AH, news came to Al-Madeenah that a Makkan caravan was coming from Syria which would pass by Al-Madeenah. In order to instill fear in the disbelievers and also to reply to Kurz ibn Jaabir's attack, the Prophet, sallalahu alayhi wa sallam,... More
Sep 7, 2024
Scenes and Images from the Hijrah
  “I was shown the land where you shall emigrate to and it had palm trees - it is Al-Madeenah.” This was the vision that the Prophet, , had. It was like a rescue boat that would save the Muslims from the harm and persecution meted out by Quraysh, and would... More
Sep 7, 2024
The Battle of Mu'tah
  Relations between the Muslims and the Romans were strained, for the Romans together with their Arab allies used to aggravate and provoke the Muslims by any means. This was particularly apparent in their frequent attempts to attack the Muslim merchandise coming from Ash-Shaam (Greater Syria) and the plundering of the... More
Sep 7, 2024
The warm welcoming by the “Ansar”
  After an eight-day journey, the Prophet arrived at Quba' on Rabia al-Awwal 8, the 14th year of Prophethood (corresponding to September 23, 622 CE) at noon. Quba' lies at a distance of a few miles from Al-Madeenah and was generally taken as the locality of Al-Madeenah. It was largely inhabited... More
Sep 7, 2024
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