Psalm 19:4 (a) The great expanse of the heavens is described as a tent in which the sun rules and reigns. It is quite a few million miles wide and high, and is not subject to the whims of men, nor the storms of life.
Psalm 27:5 (a) His presence is described as a tabernacle or tent. As we retire into His presence from the storms of life, we find His preserving care and quietness of spirit. (See also Psalm 61:4; Isaiah 4:6; Jeremiah 10:20).
Psalm 84:1 (b) In this way the Lord describes the holiness and the blessedness of the gatherings of the people of GOD for worship, praise and service.
Proverbs 14:11 (c) Probably this refers to the manner of life of the Christian. Because he walks with GOD, and seeks to serve his Lord, he is assured of the presence of the Holy Spirit, and this probably is called a "Tabernacle."
Isaiah 33:20 (a) Probably the entire city of Jerusalem is called by this name. (See also Lamentations 2:4).
2 Corinthians 5:1 (a) The human body is called by this name because the spirit dwells in this body in order to serve the Lord, and be a blessing to others. At death the spirit leaves the tabernacle, so that GOD may repair the building and fix it up new for the return of the spirit in the day of the resurrection. (See also2Pe 1:13).
Hebrews 8:2 (b) Probably this is a type of the church of GOD in which the Spirit of GOD now dwells, and where the glory of GOD is revealed.
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