Why Are We Told That Jesus Is Sitting at the Right Hand of God?

Before I get to the answer to this question, and on the off chance you have stumbled across this post and have no idea who Jesus is or why it would matter that He is now sitting and at the right hand of God. Let me take you on a journey.
In the Bible, which I believe to be the infallible writings inspired by the Holy Spirit, we read, in Genesis, that Adam and Eve have sinned (or disobeyed God), and sin has now entered the perfect world that God created for humankind.
God and humankind now have a chasm between them. It is in Genesis 3 that we see God put a plan in place to reconnect with humankind. Over the remaining pages of Scripture, we read of one human after another whose stories impact and point us toward the story of Jesus.
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The Bible gives us over 300 prophecies of Jesus in the Old Testament. Galatians 4, in the New Testament, tells us that “In the fullness of Time,” Jesus was sent by God to be born from a woman who was a virgin and would live a life with one aim: to live a sinless and spotless life.Eventually, at age 33, He died on a cross in our place as the perfect sacrifice for sin (John 3:17). It was at this moment that the curtain in the temple was torn from top to bottom (Matthew 27:50), and humanity could once again be in relationship with God.
This is the story of Immanuel, God with us (Matthew 1:22), but soon humanity would know God in us by the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:9).
When we believe in Jesus (John 3:16), we are saved and given everlasting life and brought into the family of God. We are, as Galatians 4 words it, “Adopted” into the family of God, “No longer Slaves, But Heirs.”
All of this is just a simple and very brief back story to hundreds of years of time. But why is it important that Jesus died and now sits down at the right hand of God? What is the symbolism implying? I hear you ask!
When Jesus died, rose again, and spent time with His disciples and followers, another incredible moment took place; this was the Ascension. This, in its simplest terms, is the moment Jesus ascended into heaven, and it happened 40 days following the resurrection of Jesus.
The Ascension happened on the Mount of Olives in the vicinity of Bethany while He was with His remaining 11 disciples. This signified the end of Jesus' ministry in person on earth.
Where Does it Say That Is Jesus at the Right Hand of God?
But Scripture does tell us that Jesus is now interceding for us, so He hasn’t gone and left us behind, but rather, He is praying or petitioning on our behalf (Romans 8:34).Here, we also read these same words: “Christ Jesus is the one who died — more than that, who was raised — who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us.” This is fulfilling the words of Psalm 110:1, which reads: “The Lord, says to my Lord: Sit at my right hand.”
This is one of the most quoted verses in the New Testament. The Bible mentions the idea of Jesus being at the right hand approximately 16 times in the New Testament, either seated or standing.
This all implies that this wording and idea are of great importance and something we should spend some time studying.
For a person to be at the right hand of someone automatically signifies a special place of honor.
But for Jesus to be at the right hand of God in heaven tells us that His physical work on earth is completed and He has conquered death as He set out to do.
Hebrews 1:3 tells us that “after making purification for our sins, He sat at the right hand of the Majesty on High.”
We have already mentioned that Jesus is present in heaven and interceding, or praying on our behalf, seeking God as our High Priest.
Unlike the earthly priests of the New Testament who had to bring to God sacrifices in order that humankind may have their sins forgiven (Leviticus 4), Jesus is the greatest High Priest because He himself was the sacrifice.
He stands in heaven having offered us a once and for-all salvation (Romans 6:10), which means we can trust that when we come to God asking for forgiveness for sins committed, Jesus is reminding God that we are forgiven through the blood Jesus shed on our behalf (Hebrews 9:15).
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Not that God needs the reminder, for he forgets nothing, but it is a beautiful bit of truth for us to hold on to. We are forgiven through Jesus, who is alive praying for us forevermore in a never-ending kingdom (Luke 1:26).
Revelation reiterates this idea and adds that Jesus would rule forever as He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords (19).
Jesus sitting at the right hand of God does not only signify honor, but it also signifies that Jesus is equal in status with God, or within the Godhead, meaning Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the Holy Trinity.
The right hand of God is an important part of Scripture and signifies our protection and salvation (Psalm 44:3; Psalm 18:25).
It also signifies or is symbolic of the Promises of God (Psalm 110:1; Romans 8), strength (Exodus 15:6), and, of course, His provision (Isaiah 41:10; Psalm 138:7-8).
For Jesus to be sitting beside that right hand of God that is symbolic of and signifies so many attributes of God, we can then know that Jesus shares that same level of authority, power, provision, and strength. Jesus really is the best friend a person can know.
Romans 5:7-11 tells us that: “Scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
What Does This Mean?
Friend, I don’t know if you know Jesus as your friend and Savior or not, but if not, please get in touch with a local church that would love to assist you in teaching you about Jesus!If you do know Him, may I remind you, whatever kind of day you are having, that Jesus died for you, rose again, and now sits at the right hand of God with you in His mind, and your name on His lips every single day.
Don’t lose sight of the magnitude of love He has for you. I don’t know about you, but I did not deserve that love. I do not deserve that overflowing mercy and goodness that follow me all my life.
I do not deserve that beautiful forgiveness afforded to me. But He is so kind and so loving that it is mine to hold, but also to share.
Find someone today and tell them they are loved by Jesus, who sits, having conquered all, having completed his work, with God the Father as part of the holy trinity.
Friend, know you are loved today whether you love Jesus or not.
For further reading:
What Does 'Come Boldly Before the Throne of Grace' Mean?
What Is the Throne of God and Does it Really Exist?
10 Things to Know about What Is Meant by the Kingdom of God
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