What Does 'For the Joy Set Before Him' Mean in Hebrews?

  “Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:2)

  Crucifixion was one of the most horrific ways to die. It was long and arduous, and some people lasted days before their bodies gave out. We know Jesus endured this brutal death for the joy set before him, but what was that joy?


For the Joy Set Before Him… So, What Was That Joy?

What joy would motivate Jesus to go through this grueling experience? Some may think the joy was the glory of the throne of heaven. Some may think it refers to his position at the right hand of the Father. However, enduring the cross did not earn him this position because he already had this position from eternity past (John 17:5).

  You might also think the joy set before him was conquering Satan. Well, Satan had made his play for the throne and had already been cast out of heaven. He is a defeated foe who is awaiting his final judgment. While the cross further solidified his defeat, that wasn’t the joy.

  So, what was the joy set before him? The joy which caused him to endure the cross was you. Jesus’ love for you was his number one motivator when he went to the cross. Jesus knew without his sacrifice, no forgiveness would be available for your sins. This was more than he could stand.

  For this reason, Jesus endured the cross to make a way to be in a relationship with you. Imagine his greatest joy is being with you. Will you please take a moment to allow this truth to settle in your heart and mind? Jesus went through the horrors of the cross for the joy of being able to redeem you and call you his very own. If there ever was a drop-the-mic moment, this is it.


A Personal Perspective of What 'the Joy Set Before Him' Means

To fully understand what “the joy set before him” means, you must make it personal. I want you to go with me for a moment to the time of Christ’s death. Before they arrested him, Jesus prayed in the garden. He was agonizing over what he was about to face and even asked the Father for another way. Knowing this was impossible, he surrendered to the will of the Father. He did this for the joy set before him.

  Now let’s make it really personal.

  I can imagine Jesus as he was being beaten, mocked, cursed at, spit upon, and eventually nailed to a cross, thinking about you and me. With each scourge from the cat of nine tails that ripped his flesh from his body. With every insult he heard and every drop of blood that spilled from his body, here is what I can see Jesus thinking:

  “I am enduring this because one day, a six-year-old boy in a church in Brooklyn with tears in his eyes will need my forgiveness. One day Clarence Haynes will call upon me for salvation, and though this is painful now, I will experience great joy when he calls my name, and I can save him. I will wash away all his sins because of this blood that is being spilled. Yes, this hurts, but the joy of his salvation is far greater than any pain I must endure, and it will be worth it all.”

  Now, consider this: my story does not differ from yours. The parameters may differ, but you can easily replace my name with yours. Just know through every moment of pain, every experience of torment, the forsaking of the Father, and ultimately his death on the cross… you were on his mind. You are the joy that was set before him. I must confess as I wrote this and thought about what Jesus did for me, I could not help but weep in thanksgiving over his great love and sacrifice. Especially knowing he did it just for me. If you need a moment to do the same, I certainly understand.


How Does 'The Joy Set Before Him' Change How We Perceive Suffering?

I want to shift this article from looking back at what Jesus did for us to looking forward to how we can apply this to our lives today. There is one key lesson I want to share with you: future joy helps you endure present sufferings

  Jesus set an example for us when he endured the cross because we know he did it for the joy set before him. This is the same way we must endure the challenges we face in life. Focusing on the future joy helps you in the rough moments of the present.

  My wife returned to school a little more than a year ago. She was a business owner before and lost her business during the COVID-19 pandemic. This led her to go back to the classroom. I have watched her open the books, write papers, and study late. What is the purpose of her doing all this? For the joy set before her of finishing her degree and starting a new career.


  Six Prayers for Estranged Family Members

  Please note I am not trying to say going back to school is like Jesus’ sacrifice. There is no comparison. However, I am applying the principle to everyday life. With that, let’s consider you for a moment.

  - What are you pressing toward?

  - What dreams and aspirations are you striving to achieve?

  - What purpose has God placed in you that you see but have not lived out yet?

  - What situation are you praying for that seems to get worse before it gets better?

  You stay in the fight and keep pressing forward because of the joy you will receive when you accomplish what you have set out to accomplish. There is joy waiting for you on the other side of the struggle. Focusing on that joy motivates you to keep going, even when you feel like giving up.


What Did Paul Know about 'The Joy Set Before Him'?

The apostle Paul said something that has a similar tone to what was written in Hebrews.

  “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.” (2 Corinthians 4:8-9)

  Paul knows something about suffering and enduring as he faced many trials because of his commitment to Christ. However, he could keep his priorities in order because he focused on the eternal joy instead of his temporary suffering. Just a few verses later, here is what he wrote.

  “For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” (2 Corinthians 4:17-18)

  Paul was doing exactly what Jesus did. He could endure this life’s temporary troubles by focusing on eternal glory or joy. He recognized the joy outweighed the suffering by far. Rather than focusing on today’s pain, he set his sights on tomorrow’s joy.

  “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” (Romans 8:18)


What About the Joy Set Before You?

Where are you right now? What are you going through? Some of you may be facing tough challenges that have you thinking about throwing in the towel. Please don’t. First, settle in your heart that Jesus having a relationship with you was the joy set before him. Whatever he is asking you to do. Whatever trial you are experiencing. Even the things you are striving for and reaching for today, there is joy on the other side.

  I will leave you with one final encouragement. Go back to Hebrews 12 and do what the verse says. Fix your eyes on Jesus, remembering all he did just to be with you, proving how much he loves you. When you do this, regardless of what you face, you will not give up.

  “Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross… Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” (Hebrews 12:2-3)

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