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Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words

  1: λαμβάνω ►

  (Strong's #2983 — Verb — lambano — lam-ban'-o )

  "to take, lay hold of," besides its literal sense, e.g., Matthew 5:40; 26:26,27 , is used metaphorically, of fear, in "taking" hold of people, Luke 7:16 , RV (AV, "came ... on"); of sin in "finding (occasion)," RV (AV, "taking"), Romans 7:8,11 , where sin is viewed as the corrupt source of action, an inward element using the commandment to produce evil effects; of the power of temptation, 1 Corinthians 10:13; of "taking" an example, James 5:10; of "taking" peace from the earth, Revelation 6:4; of Christ in "taking" the form of a servant, Philippians 2:7; of "taking" rightful power (by the Lord, hereafter), Revelation 11:17 . See ACCEPT , No. 4.

  2: ἀναλαμβάνω ►

  (Strong's #353 — Verb — analambano — an-al-am-ban'-o )

  signifies (a) "to take up" (ana), e.g., Acts 1:2,11,22 (RV, "received"); (b) "to take to oneself," Acts 7:43; or "to one's company," Acts 20:13,14; 23:31; 2 Timothy 4:11; of "taking up spiritual armor," Ephesians 6:13,16 . See RECEIVE.

  3: ἀπολαμβάνω ►

  (Strong's #618 — Verb — apolambano — ap-ol-am-ban'-o )

  besides its common meaning, "to receive," denotes "to take apart or aside," Mark 7:33 , Middle Voice. It is frequent in the papyri, and, in the sense of separation or drawing aside, is illustrated in a message of sorrow, concerning the non-arrival of one who with others had been "shut up" as recluses in a temple (Moulton and Milligan, Vocab.). See RECEIVE.

  4: ἐπιλαμβάνομαι ►

  (Strong's #1949 — Verb — epilambano — ep-ee-lam-ban'-om-ahee )

  in the Middle Voice, "to lay hold of, take hold of," is used literally, e.g., Mark 8:23; Luke 9:47; 14:4; metaphorically, e.g., Hebrews 8:9 , "(I) took them (by the hand):" for other instances in each respect see HOLD , No. 7.

  5: καταλαμβάνω ►

  (Strong's #2638 — Verb — katalambano — kat-al-am-ban'-o )

  "to lay hold of," is rendered "to take," in Mark 9:18; John 8:3,4 . See APPREHEND.

  6: μεταλαμβάνω ►

  (Strong's #3335 — Verb — metalambano — met-al-am-ban'-o )

  "to get, or have, a share of," is rendered "to take (food)" in Acts 2:46 , RV (AV, "did eat," see EAT , Note); 27:33, i.e., "to share it together." See HAVE , PARTAKE , RECEIVE.

  7: παραλαμβάνω ►

  (Strong's #3880 — Verb — paralambano — par-al-am-ban'-o )

  besides its meaning "to receive," denotes "to take to (or with) oneself," of "taking" a wife, e.g., Matthew 1:20,24; of "taking" a person or persons with one, e.g., Matthew 2:13,14,20,21; 4:5,8; of demons, Matthew 12:45; of Christ and His disciples, Matthew 17:1; 20:17; Mark 9:2; 10:32; 14:33; of witnesses, Matthew 18:16; of the removal of persons from the earth in judgment, when "the Son of Man is revealed," Matthew 24:40,41; Luke 17:34,35 (cp. the means of the removal of corruption, in v. Luke 17:37 ); of the "taking" of Christ by the soldiers for scourging, Matthew 27:27 , RV, and to crucifixion, John 19:16; see also Acts 15:39; 16:33; 21:24,26,32; 23:18 . See RECEIVE.

  8: συμπαραλαμβάνω ►

  (Strong's #4838 — Verb — sumparalambano — soom-par-al-am-ban'-o )

  sun, "with," and No. 7, denotes "to take along with oneself," as a companion, Acts 12:25; 15:37,38; Galatians 2:1 .

  9: προσλαμβάνω ►

  (Strong's #4355 — Verb — proslambano — pros-lam-ban'-o )

  "to take to oneself" (pros), is used of food, Acts 27:33-36; of persons, of Peter's act toward Christ, Matthew 16:22; Mark 8:32; for evil purposes, Acts 17:5; for good purposes, Acts 18:26 . See RECEIVE.

  10: προλαμβάνω ►

  (Strong's #4301 — Verb — prolambano — prol-am-ban'-o )

  is rendered "to take before" in 1 Corinthians 11:21 . See COME , Note (2) at end, OVERTAKE.

  11: συλλαμβάνω ►

  (Strong's #4815 — Verb — sullambano — sool-lam-ban'-o )

  "to seize, take," is rendered "to take" in Matthew 26:55; Mark 14:48 , AV (RV, "seize"); Luke 5:9; Acts 1:16; in Acts 12:3; 23:27 , AV (RV, "seize"). See CATCH , CONCEIVE , HELP.

  12: αἴρω ►

  (Strong's #142 — Verb — airo — ah'ee-ro )

  "to lift, carry, take up or away," occurs very frequently with its literal meanings. In John 1:29 it is used of Christ as "the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world," not the sins, but sin, that which has existed from the time of the Fall, and in regard to which God has had judicial dealings with the world; through the expiatory sacrifice of Christ the sin of the world will be replaced by everlasting righteousness; cp. the plural, "sins," in 1 John 3:5 . Righteous judgment was "taken away" from Christ at human tribunals, and His life, while voluntarily given by Himself (John 10:17,18 ), was "taken (from the earth)," Acts 8:33 (quoted from the Sept. of Isaiah 53:8 ). In John 15:2 it is used in the Lord's statement, "Every branch in Me that beareth not fruit, He taketh it away." This does not contemplate members of the "body" of Christ, but those who (just as a graft which being inserted, does not "abide" or "strike") are merely professed followers, giving only the appearance of being joined to the parent stem.

  The Law described in Colossians 2:14 as "the bond written in ordinances that was against us," Christ "took" out of the way at His Cross. In 1 Corinthians 5:2 , airo is used in the best texts (some have No. 14), of the Divine judgment which would have been exercised in "taking away" from the church the incestuous delinquent, had they mourned before God. See AWAY , BEAR , No. 9, etc.

  13: ἀπαίρω ►

  (Strong's #522 — Verb — apairo — ap-ah'ee-ro )

  "to lift off" (apo, "from," and No. 12), is used, in the Passive Voice, of Christ, metaphorically as the Bridegroom of His followers, Matthew 9:15; Mark 2:20; Luke 5:35 .

  14: ἐξαίρω ►

  (Strong's #1808 — Verb — exairo — ex-ah'ee-ro )

  "to take away," is used of "putting away" a person in church discipline, 1 Corinthians 5:13; for this verb as a variant reading in ver. 2, see No. 12.

  15: ἐπαίρω ►

  (Strong's #1869 — Verb — epairo — ep-ahee'-ro )

  "to lift, raise," is used in the Passive Voice and rendered "He was taken up" in Acts 1:9 . See EXALT , HOIST, LIFT.

  16: ἀναιρέω ►

  (Strong's #337 — Verb — anaireo — an-ahee-reh'-o )

  "to take up" (ana, "up," and haireo, "to take"), is used of Pharaoh's daughter in "taking up" the infant Moses, Acts 7:21; of God's act in "taking away" the typical animal sacrifices under the Law, Hebrews 10:9 . See DEATH , C, No. 2, KILL, SLAY.

  17: ἀφαιρέω ►

  (Strong's #851 — Verb — aphaireo — af-ahee-reh'-o )

  "to take away" (apo), is used with this meaning in Luke 1:25; 10:42; 16:3; Romans 11:27 , of the "removal" of the sins of Israel; Hebrews 10:4 , of the impossibility of the "removal" of sins by offerings under the Law; in Revelation 22:19 (twice). See CUT , No. 8.

  18: καθαιρέω ►

  (Strong's #2507 — Verb — kathaireo — kath-ahee-reh'-o )

  "to take down" (kata), besides its meaning of "putting down by force," was the technical term for the "removal" of the body after crucifixion, Mark 15:36,46; Luke 23:53; Acts 13:29 . See CAST , No. 14.

  19: περιαιρέω ►

  (Strong's #4014 — Verb — periaireo — per-ee-ahee-reh'-o )

  "to take away that which surrounds" (peri, "around"), is used (a) literally, of "casting off" anchors, Acts 27:40 , RV (AV, "having taken up"); Acts 28:13 in some texts, for perierchomai, "to make a circuit;" (b) metaphorically, of "taking away" the veil off the hearts of Israel, 2 Corinthians 3:16; of hope of rescue, Acts 27:20; of sins (negatively), Hebrews 10:11 .

  20: δέχομαι ►

  (Strong's #1209 — Verb — dechomai — dekh'-om-ahee )

  "to receive," is rendered "take (thy bond, RV, AV, bill)" in Luke 16:6,7; "take (the helmet of salvation)," Ephesians 6:17 , suggesting a heartiness in the "taking." See ACCEPT , No. 1, RECEIVE.

  21: προσδέχομαι ►

  (Strong's #4327 — Verb — prosdechomai — pros-dekh'-om-ahee )

  "to receive favorably," is rendered "took" in Hebrews 10:34 . See ACCEPT , No. 3.

  22: κρατέω ►

  (Strong's #2902 — Verb — krateo — krat-eh'-o )

  "to take hold of, get possession of," is translated "to take" in Matthew 9:25; 22:6; 26:4; Mark 1:31; 5:41; 9:27; 14:1,44,46,49; Luke 8:54; Acts 24:6 . See HOLD , No. 6.

  23: δράσσομαι ►

  (Strong's #1405 — Verb — drassomai — dras'-som-ahee )

  "to grasp with the hand, take hold of," is used metaphorically in 1 Corinthians 3:19 , "taketh (the wise in their craftiness)."

  24: δίδωμι ►

  (Strong's #1325 — Verb — didomi — did'-o-mee )

  "to give," found in the best texts in Mark 3:6 , is rendered "took (counsel);" some have poieo, "to make."

  25: κατέχω ►

  (Strong's #2722 — Verb — katecho — kat-ekh'-o )

  "to hold," is rendered "to take (the lowest place)" in Luke 14:9 . See HOLD.

  26: πιάζω ►

  (Strong's #4084 — Verb — piazo — pee-ad'-zo )

  "to lay or take hold of forcefully," is always rendered "to take" in the RV. See APPREHEND , No. 2.

  27: παραφέρω ►

  (Strong's #3911 — Verb — paraphero — par-af-er'-o )

  "to bear away" (para, "aside," phero, "to bear"), "remove," is rendered "take away" in Mark 14:36 , AV, RV, "remove," as in Luke 22:42 . See REMOVE.

  28: ἔχω ►

  (Strong's #2192 — Verb — echo — ekh'-o )

  "to have, to hold," is used in Matthew 21:46 in the sense of regarding a person as something, "they took (Him) for (a prophet)." See HAVE.

  29: συνάγω ►

  (Strong's #4863 — Verb — sunago — soon-ag'-o )

  "to bring together," is used of "taking" a person into one's house receiving hospitality, "took ... in," Matthew 25:35,38,43; so in Acts 11:26 , RV, "were gathered together," AV, "assembled;" perhaps the meaning is "they were entertained." See ASSEMBLE , BESTOW , GATHER.

  30: ἐκδύω ►

  (Strong's #1562 — Verb — ekduo — ek-doo'-o )

  "to take off a garment from a person," is so rendered with reference to the soldiers' treatment of Christ, Matthew 27:31; Mark 15:20 . See STRIP.

  31: ἐκβάλλω ►

  (Strong's #1544 — Verb — ekballo — ek-bal'-lo )

  has the meaning "to bring or take out" in Luke 10:35 , "took out (two pence)," a word perhaps chosen to express the wholeheartedness of the act (lit., "to throw out"). See CAST , No. 5.

  32: βαστάζω ►

  (Strong's #941 — Verb — bastazo — bas-tad'-zo )

  "to bear, lift," is used of "taking up" stones, John 10:31 . As to Matthew 3:11 , Moulton and Milligan supply evidences from the vernacular that the word signified "to take off" (the sandals), which confirms Mark's word luo, "to unloose" (John 1:7 ). See BEAR , No. 1.

  33: ἐπιχειρέω ►

  (Strong's #2021 — Verb — epicheireo — ep-ee-khi-reh'-o )

  "to take in hand" (epi, "upon," cheir, "the hand"), "to attempt, take upon oneself," is rendered "have taken in hand," Luke 1:1; "took upon (them)," Acts 19:13 . See GO , No. 30.

  34: γίνομαι ►

  (Strong's #1096 — Verb — ginomai — ghin'-om-ahee )

  "to become, to come to be," is rendered "he be taken" in 2 Thessalonians 2:7 , lit., "(until) he, or it, become" (for a treatment of the whole passage see Notes on Thess. by Hogg and Vine).

  Notes: (1) For sunairo in Matthew 18:23 , see RECKON. (2) Some texts have apago, "to take away," in Acts 24:7 . (3) In John 6:24 , AV, embaino, "to enter," is rendered "took (shipping)," RV, "got into (the boats)." (4) In 2 Thessalonians 1:8 , AV, didomi, "to give" (RV "rendering"), is translated "taking." (5) In Romans 3:5 , AV, epiphero, "to bring against," is rendered "taketh (vengeance)," RV, "visiteth (with wrath)." (6) In Luke 4:5 , AV, anago, "to lead up" (RV, "led"), is rendered "took up." (7) In Acts 10:26 , AV, egeiro, "to raise" (RV), is rendered "took ... up." (8) For "taking up" baggage, Acts 21:15 , see BAGGAGE. (9) For "taken from" in 1 Thessalonians 2:17 , AV, see BEREAVED , No. 1. (10) Sunecho is translated "taken with" in Matthew 4:24; Luke 4:38; 8:37 . See HOLDEN. (11) In 2 Peter 2:12 "to be taken" translates the phrase eis halosin, lit., "for capture" (halosis, "a taking"). (12) In 1 Peter 2:20 , hupomeno, "to endure," is rendered "ye take ... patiently." (13) In Matthew 11:12; John 6:15; Acts 23:10 harpazo (see CATCH) is rendered "take ... by force." (14) For apotassomai, "to take leave of," see LEAVE , (c) No. 1. (15) For apaspazomai, rendered "to take leave of" in Acts 21:6 , AV, see LEAVE , (c) No. 2. (16) In Acts 21:6 some mss. have epibaino, AV, "we took ship" (RV, embaino, "we went on board"): cp. Note (3), above. (17) For "untaken" in 2 Corinthians 3:14 see UNLIFTED. (18) In 1 Timothy 5:9 , AV, katalego is rendered "to take into the number" (RV, "be enrolled"). (19) For "take ... to record" see TESTIFY. See also CARE , HEED , JOURNEY , THOUGHT (to take).

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