The organ of hearing
Job 13:1; 29:11
Capable of trying and distinguishing words
Job 12:11
GOD Made
Proverbs 20:12
Psalm 94:9
Job 33:16; 36:10
Judicially closed
Isaiah 6:10; Matthew 13:15
Christ opens
Isaiah 35:5; 43:8,10
Instruction received through
Isaiah 30:21
That hears and receives the word of God, blessed
Exodus 15:26; Matthew 13:16
SHOULD Seek knowledge
Proverbs 18:15
Be bowed down to instructions
Proverbs 5:1
Be incline to wisdom
Proverbs 2:2
Be given to the law of God
Isaiah 1:10
Receive the word of God
Jeremiah 9:20
Hear and obey reproof
Proverbs 15:31; 25:12
Not satisfied with earthly things
Ecclesiastes 1:8
OF THE WICKED Uncircumcised
Jeremiah 6:10; Acts 7:51
2 Timothy 4:3
Not inclined to hear God
Jeremiah 7:24; 35:15
Turned away from God's law
Proverbs 28:9
Stopped against God's word
Psalm 58:4; Zechariah 7:11
Not to be stopped at cry of the poor
Proverbs 21:13
BLOOD PUT ON THE RIGHT EAR OF Priests at consecration
Exodus 29:20; Leviticus 8:23
The healed leper in cleansing him
Leviticus 14:14
Often adorned with rings
Ezekiel 16:12; Hosea 2:13
Of servants who refused to leave their masters, bored to the Door
Exodus 21:6; Deuteronomy 15:17