Prayers for Pregnancy

The excitement, the glow, the anticipation — pregnancy brings on all the feels! For many, it’s a time of joy. For others, it’s a bit more complicated. Still, the gift of life has a way of bringing the miracle of life front and center. And what a miracle it is!
Psalm 139:13-16 tells us it is God, Himself, looking upon the mysteries of the womb, where His hand is wonderfully at work. Though pregnancy often feels much less glamorous than that of a tapestry being hand-knit by God, there’s plenty that we probably take for granted.
How Pregnancy Points to God
Within the hidden happenings of this secret place, we’re reminded about the self-sufficiency of life and the beauty of nature. Pregnancy speaks to both, and it is just another testament to the unsearchable wisdom of God’s grand design.It’s hard to imagine all the intricacies and grandeur, displayed in various ways, as a mere accident. Instead, what we see is the beauty of new life-giving a glimpse into the Image we are created by. At the same time, we gain the privilege to see a shade of the Image we are created in. God’s Image.
Becoming a mom is where eternal, unconditional love becomes most tangible. Once again, we’re pointed to God, this time through our intrinsic design to love another, long before there’s a baby in our arms. Unfortunately, there’s no shortage of potential challenges competing for our attention during pregnancy.
How Pregnancy Pulls Us Away from God
Whether it’s the pregnancy-induced health conditions, appointment after appointment, or endless preparation, this can be an unpredictably busy season. One where it becomes easy to forget the blessing, or even from where the blessing has come. Especially when you feel crummy or are facing uncertainty in your pregnancy.Without intentionality, things like prayer, godly fellowship, and Bible reading, can easily get pushed to the back burner, as nine months somehow fly by in slow motion.
So, here are three questions and prayers to meditate upon if maintaining a godly perspective and attitude, throughout pregnancy, is important to you. They should be helpful for anyone feeling distant from God’s Hand at work or overwhelmed by life.
1. Where Is My Focus?
Focusing on situations and circumstances, instead of who God is, leads to all sorts of frustration.Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things (Colossians 3:2).
You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You (Isaiah 26:3).
The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace (Romans 8:6).
A prayer to keep eyes on God during pregnancy. Heavenly Father, it is Your Spirit that gives life and peace. I ask for forgiveness, for all the times I have not turned to You, in Your Word and prayer. There are times I have let my fleshy desires and emotions govern my mind or have set my mind on earthly things such as distractions and circumstances. I need Your help with this, Lord. I pray to continually seek You, first, above all, even when I am stressed or not feeling well. May my eyes never lose sight of Your love and power in my life. Thank You for always being there, no matter how far I have strayed. May I run with endurance the race set before me, as my thoughts are on You. Amen.
2. Am I Trusting God?
As worries and fears of pregnancy (or life) creep in, and the stronger our focus on God is, the easier it is to trust Him. You can’t trust someone you do not know.Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him… Do not fret, it only leads to evil (Psalm 37:5,8).
The Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one (2 Thessalonians 3:3).
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful (Hebrews 10:23).
A prayer for help trusting God through pregnancy. Heavenly Father, it is You who are faithful, giving us great hope to hold on to. Thank You for Your written Word as it is filled with first-hand accounts of Your faithfulness. Yes, You are altogether trustworthy! Help me to remember this and that You are my strength and shield. Please, forgive me for not always trusting You with my pregnancy, and for fretting about things outside of my control. I confess to sometimes putting my trust into my own power or into man, but it is Your plan that never fails! May I be led to know You more fully, Father, that I can trust You always, even on the hardest of days. Please, help me to trust with all my heart, and not lean on my own understanding, but give this pregnancy completely to You. Amen.
3. Am I Following the Holy Spirit’s Lead?
Those who believe in Christ are given a great helper and power to live by.Recommended
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If by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the flesh, you will live. For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God (Romans 8:13,14).
Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness (Romans 8:28).
For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control (2 Timothy 1:7).
A prayer to be Spirit-led. Heavenly Father, it is Your Spirit that fills me with peace, joy, love, gentleness, and self-control. All things I am needing during this pregnancy. Please, help me as I lay down my own life, to be filled with Yours. And forgive me for not always doing so, for Your Word says the flesh is opposed to the Spirit of God. Yes, help me to walk in obedience, picking up my cross, as I submit to You. It is I who must decrease that Your Spirit may increase! Please, help me to get out of my own way and convict me when I am walking outside of Your design for my life. It is only through You who gives me strength that I can do all things. Amen.
And since there is no lack of opportunity to benefit from God’s peace that passes understanding or to seek Him in prayer, during pregnancy, let’s keep going!
Four Common Pregnancy Concerns to Trust God and Pray Over
There certainly is no end to the worries that pop up throughout pregnancy. Hot tubs? Soft cheese? Bumper guards? Oh my! Some concerns, of course, are more serious than others and aren’t to be taken lightly. Consider adding your unique concerns to the prayers below, as you give them to God and trust in Him.1. Prayer for a healthy baby. Father God, today I place my trust in You concerning the health of my baby, Your precious gift. I ask, Lord, for happy and healthy, but also seek Your wisdom to handle any health situations that do arise. I pray he/she can bring You much glory! Thank You for this blessing, as I trust Your will to be done. Lord, help me to trust You. Amen.
2. Prayer for Mama-to-be’s good health. Father God, You are such a good, good, Father. I seek You today, for an uncomplicated pregnancy, and for good health. Please help me to trust You at every turn, as I understand Your ways are not what I can plan for. I pray for an attitude of grace to those around me, even when I am most tired. Thank You that I can find rest in Christ and come to Him when I am weary. Yes, may I find any needed strength in You. Lord, help me to trust You. Amen.
3. Prayer for Peace. Father God, as You are the source of true peace, may it be granted to me, today. I ask to be drawn into full knowledge of the hope found in Jesus Christ, the foundation upon which I stand. Today, I lay down my worries and fears, may they be replaced by Your peace that passes all understanding. I need not be afraid or worried or stressed. Lord, help me to trust You. Amen.
4. Prayer over Delivery. Father God, as delivery day approaches, please help me to keep my eyes on You. I pray for wisdom and direction over decisions that need to be made, along with unity for those involved. I am choosing to trust in Your goodness, and faithfulness, Lord. May Your grace and mercy abound. Please ease any fears I have along the way and allow me to see Your Loving Hand at work, throughout. Lord, help me to trust You. Amen.
Proverbs 19:21 reminds us that no amount of planning can ever supersede what God has planned. So, whatever the season of pregnancy brings, may you find comfort, peace, and ultimate joy, in Him.
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