Is There a Cost to Preaching the Gospel Message?

In this passage of Scripture, Paul is declaring the power of the message of the Gospel of Christ. Where is that message today? We can view this message as being a two-fold message. First, the call to preach the gospel. Second, the cost of preaching the gospel.
What Does it Mean to Preach the Gospel?
Since Jesus started his earthly ministry, he has called various people to follow him and then told them to go out into all the world and preach the gospel (Mark 16:15). Many have come and undoubtedly many may have failed.But of those that may have started off right, then fell short of their calling, many of them may have returned to Christ and started anew.
In Romans 1, from verses 8-13, Paul utilized the expression “I thank my God through Jesus Christ” to stress the point that Christ is the unparalleled mediator between man and God. No one else can do that, no priest, no shaman, no minister, no one, only Christ.
Through Christ, God sends his affection and pardoning to us; through Christ, we send our gratitude to God (1 Timothy 2:5).
At the center of the western world's political power, the Roman Christians were profoundly noticeable. Luckily, their standing was phenomenal: their solid faith was spreading the word about itself all over the known world.
When individuals talk about our denomination or church congregation, how do they talk about us? Are their remarks precise? Would we rather that they notice different elements about us? What is the most effective way to get the general population to understand our faith?
Paul mentions praying without ceasing. When we constantly pray about a problem, we ought not to be shocked at how God replies. Paul had prayed to visit Rome so that he could give the Christians there some instructions.
When at last he showed up in Rome, he was a prisoner (Acts 28:16). Paul had petitioned God for a protected journey, and he showed up securely, subsequent to getting captured, insulted, ship-wrecked, and after a poisonous snake had bitten him.
The way that God answers our supplications is frequently a long way from what we anticipate. Whenever we earnestly pray, God will reply, albeit here and there with timing and in manners that we do not anticipate.
But we are not to get upset in how God answers those prayers. God may not answer in our time or in ways that we may expect, but he will answer. A question that we should ask ourselves is, did we pray, or do we pray for something, if it is in his will?
It could be that the subject of our prayer may not be what God has in line for us or what he wants to be accomplished.
Paul had petitioned God for the opportunity to visit these Christians so that he could empower them with his endowment of faith and be energized by theirs.
As God's evangelist, he could assist them with understanding the significance of the Good News about Jesus. As God's committed individuals, they could offer him solace and fellowship. At the point when Christians assemble, everybody should be giving and receiving.
Our shared faith provides us a language and motivation that is common for empowering each other.
1. Admission
Paul was referring to the civilized and uncivilized world of the time. What was his debt? His debt was to Christ for salvation. We cannot pay for salvation; it is a free gift from God (John 3:16).To whom was Paul paying the debt? He paid his debt to the world by proclaiming the salvation of Christ.
It does not matter to whom we share the gospel, their social status, rich or poor, nor the color of their skin. Jesus took the punishment of man’s sin upon Himself, so spreading the Gospel of Christ is what we are called to do (1 Corinthians 9:16).
2. Remission
Paul states he is now ready to preach the Gospel. This is a longing he regularly communicates while writing to the churches with which he had been involved (1 Thessalonians 2:17-18).He has given a few reasons, including his craving to see individuals from numerous societies come to faith in Christ. He has been petitioning God for the potential chance to go, yet up to this point, God has kept it from occurring (Romans 1:13-14).
Christ himself gave Paul the mission to preach Christ to the Gentiles from all countries (Acts 9:15). Since so many of those countries were undoubtedly in the city of Rome, it appeared to Paul to be a characteristic objective for him. He no doubt had a strategy in mind concerning how best to deliver faith in Christ to all the people.
Six Prayers for Estranged Family Members
Are we ready to preach the gospel? Have we heard and answered the call? Have we prepared ourselves? (2 Timothy 2:15). When we are ready to work, God will provide for us (Philippians 4:19).
3. Submission
The message went to the Jew first because they had been God’s chosen people for centuries. They did not deserve to be the chosen, but God chose them to show his love, of the coming Messiah that he would provide, and so that they could tell the world.For years, the Jews learned by obeying God’s laws and living as he instructed. But too often they forgot. However, there were some Jews who recognized Christ as the Son of God and were obedient to share the Good News.
Here we see that Paul was not ashamed. The message he brought was salvation to humanity that Jesus gave. How can we be ashamed to share the gospel, and why would we be ashamed? (2 Timothy 1:8-12).
That is why we are told to put on the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6:11-18). Paul also gives the charge and deliverance from condemnation, through Christ Jesus.
The gospel shows us how we can become righteous in the sight of God, by his plan of salvation, and how by trusting in Jesus, we are made righteous with God (Habakkuk 2:4).
We should all trust God in directing our paths. Faith is in the beginning and through the progression of a Christian life. Faith pushes us forward to victory.
The Cost of Preaching
In Luke 14:27-33, Jesus speaks of bearing the cross. The people understood what it meant to carry a cross. This is what the Romans did to criminals when sending them to the death penalty.The convict had to carry his own cross on which he would die. It showed submission to Rome’s rule and judgment (Luke 9:23).
Bearing one’s own cross typifies denying selfish desires and submitting to God’s will, just as Jesus had to submit to the Fathers’ will. Simply put, we should put God first in our lives.
Here, Jesus is giving the parable about building a tower and of a king preparing for war. How does either of these men accomplish this? Each has to count the cost of accomplishing the task.
If a contractor does not count the cost of building, he may not be able to complete the job. Will our Christian life be half-built? (Jude 1:20).
It will cost us something to be a disciple of Christ. We can lose social status, wealth, fame, time, or career. We may be separated from family, hated by some, or even death (Philippians 3:7).
Are we truly willing to make a sacrifice? Have we considered the expense and the peril that may come?
For further reading:
What Is the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
How the Power of the Gospel Supersedes All Else
7 Steps to Share the Gospel with a Stranger
What Is the Purpose of Preaching the Cross?
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