How Can We Have the Mind of Christ?

When we receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior, it’s like getting fresh new clothes that fit our growth in Him. Before we can put on new clothes, we must remove the old ones that no longer fit. When Jesus cleans us up, and spiritual growth happens, why would we walk the streets in old clothes that don’t fit us anymore rather than putting on new ones?
This same goes for our minds. Why would we want to keep the old unfit ways of thinking when God is offering a new, true, fitting, and indestructible point of view through the mind of Christ?
What Does the Bible Say about Having the Mind of Christ?
The Bible mentions having the mind of Christ on several occasions. Let’s dive into a few.“In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.” (Philippians 2:5-7)
In this scripture from Philippians, we gather that the mindset of Christ is a humble servant. Make no mistake that Christ is God in human form. However, the attitude from which He operates is selfless. Simply taking on human flesh so that we might have a chance at abundant life despite Him being all-powerful expresses the “service to humanity” characteristic that jumps out to save the heart of many believers.
“For ‘who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him?’ But we have the mind of Christ.” (1 Corinthians 2:16)
In this excerpt from Paul, he pens a rhetorical question to the reader where the obvious answer is nobody! God doesn’t need to be taught anything. However, the question sparks the contrary thought of how we surely need God’s point of view and mindset on all matters. Therefore, God has blessed every Jesus follower with the opportunity to have the mind of Christ, the ability to filter our views through the eyes of Jesus so we live life as we should.
“And be renewed in the spirit of your mind.” (Ephesians 4:23)
Here in Ephesians, we learn that our mind needs to be renewed in the Spirit, who is one with the Father (God) and the son (Jesus). This can also be seen as renewing our minds to the mind of Christ. To renew our mind according to the Spirit means we take all our thoughts, decisions, and ways of living through the lens of what God’s Word has to say about all matters and do it constantly. It means we allow God to be the leader of our mind in every way possible by dwelling on His Word and growing an increasingly more intimate relationship with His presence and leadership over our lives.
Why Should We Aim to Have the Mind of Christ?
When we receive Jesus into our hearts, we must also aim to have the mind of Christ, breaking up with our old ways of thinking and adopting God’s. We can’t walk in victory, see the wonderful perspectives there are to see and live a life that isn’t guided by tricks and shiny distractions without aiming to have the mind of Christ. We need to have the mind of Christ by the power of God to truly experience all that God has for us as His children. In addition, our mind is the control center from which our obedience to Christ is carried out. So why would we want to have a control center that Is out of alignment with the one we are devoting ourselves to, God?The brain is the powerhouse and leader of our thinking, actions, and identity. Our thoughts become actions, our actions become habits, and our habits become who we are. Our mind is very important as it directly impacts our lives and how Jesus gives us the freedom to live more abundantly. Jesus came so that we might have a chance to live the life for which He came to save us, but our thinking must align with the new life we received in Him. To do that, we need to have the mind of Christ.
What Are the Characteristics of the Mind of Christ?
There are many characteristics of the Mind of Christ, but Colossians 3:12 tells us about the new clothes we ought to where after taking off our old ones of unfit thinking. Here are five very important traits of the Mind of Christ looking into the life of Jesus and what the Bible communicates.1. The Mind of Christ is Loving & Compassionate (Matthew 22:36-40)
Jesus was asked what the most important commandment was of all the commandments, and His response was love. To love God with all your entire being first, and second to love your others as yourself. Taking on the mind of Christ allows love to be extended through your interactions with others, overflowing from your passionate relationship with God. Further, the Bible tells us exactly what love is in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 as we align our minds to embody truth truly.
2. The Mind of Christ is Peaceful (John 14:27)
A great identifier that God is present is when there is an atmosphere of peace. God is the bringer and peace. All his ways and guidance render peace. He gives it in a way the world does not give; as we adopt His perspective on life and situations, peace of mind is an unmissable characteristic.
3. The Mind of Christ is Humble and Servant-Oriented (Philippians 2:5-7)
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A clear illustration of humility and service, demonstrating the mind of Christ is God taking human form through His son Jesus’ birth in manager, riding into the city on a donkey, and never throughout his ministry calling for fame and attention. His main purpose was and is to serve, and we see the absolute devotion to that by His death on the cross so that we might have a chance at eternal life.
4. The Mind of Christ is Patient (Psalm 86:15)
Seen in our own lives after the countless mistakes we’ve made, God’s grace and patience have been an undeserving gift to many. The characteristic of patience in all things we do in life should be inspired and motivated by God’s own patience with us, being slow to anger. Had it not been for His patience, who knows where we would be?
5. The Mind of Christ is Gentle (Philippians 4:5)
I like to characterize Jesus as a gentleman. With our own lives serving as proof, God gives every person a choice to receive, never forcing his ways but gentle in His approach and presence. Gentleness is portrayed in the one who is tender with others regarding their relationship with God.
How Can We Start Gaining the Mind of Christ Today?
Many of us pick up traits from people we hang around with often. A saying says the more time you spend with someone, the more they rub off on you. That’s also true with Christ. Gaining the mind of Christ does have to do with discipline. Still, much depends upon spending time with Jesus, genuinely growing our relationship with him, and responding to life’s situations in the ways He guides us. Spending time with Jesus comes alive through various avenues, and there are many ways to start gaining the mind of Christ today. Gaining the mind of Christ means receiving, embodying, and responding in the ways Christ’s heart truly would. Here are three overarching steps you can consider to start gaining the mind of Christ today.1. Meditate on God’s Word Day and Night (Psalm 1:2-3)
Here’s the thing, in John 1:1, we learn that God is embodied throughout the pages of scripture. In the Bible, God’s thoughts on life, records, reactions, and personality are displayed for us to embrace and receive. Let’s not forget He’s the creator of all things known to man, including life itself. Not only does that make the Bible extremely relevant to our lives for perfect guidance, but meditating on various portions of the Bible day and night allows us to grow in truth and victory. There’s a lot of noise and influence competing for our attention every day, and there is only one voice that waters our thoughts to grow more into the mind of Christ like we were created, and that’s the Word of God.
2. Continuously Connect with a Trusted Mentors & Friends (Proverbs 11:14)
God never meant for us to walk this life alone. As we spend time with those who are also pursuing Christ in their personal lives, we hear the mind of God speak through their walk for our guidance. I’ve often been encouraged, challenged, and inspired by mentors who have walked through seasons of life that I’m just now walking through. They’ve advised me on things they wish they did better in consideration of God’s Word and what He thinks about the matter. This has been life-changing for me. The people we surround ourselves with impact our outlook on life. By surrounding yourself with an abundance of godly friends and mentors, there is victory and growth to have the mind of Christ guide your every move and life choice.
3. Become Active at a Local Church (1 Corinthians 12:12-31)
Adding to God’s design for us never to do life alone, He calls us to find a church, engage in fellowship in trust, and live life in His power for His glory. The church is like a body living to honor God. It has various parts, all unique but in support of one another as they work together. When aiming to gain the mind of Christ, the church body is important as a well-fit church gives you the practical tools for continual growth and direction with friends and family standing with you in Christ to build you up. It is one thing to walk a journey alone trying to gain the mind of Christ. It’s another thing to see the mind of Christ come alive in a local church with a community to support you along your way, providing you with the opportunity to do the same for others.
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