Does God Exist?


Does God Exist?

At one time or another, we face the existential question, “Does God exist?” It’s the most important question anyone could ask because our answer to this question affects how we live. King Solomon wrote, “Fear of the LORD is the foundation of wisdom. Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgment” (Proverbs 9:10).

  The word “LORD” in all capital letters signifies whom Solomon was writing about. Solomon wasn’t referring to just any god. He was writing about YHWH—the God of Abraham, the God of the Bible who created heaven and earth. Solomon proclaimed the importance of worship and respect for this God. It’s the foundation of wisdom and “good judgment.”

  Whether you are a seeker trying to find answers about a Creator-God, or a Christian seeking help with apologetics, you must wrestle with the existence of a Creator and the truth of the God in the Bible. Though it may seem self-defeating, the best way to find answers is often to start with arguments against God’s existence.


What Are Some Classic Arguments that God Doesn’t Exist?

Dan Barker, the author of Godless and Losing Faith in Faith, bases his arguments against God’s existence on this premise: If nothing comes from nothing, how could God exist? He argues that if God is real, he is not nothing. Therefore, nothing could not come from nothing.

  He explains that people once worshiped gods like the Norse god of thunder because of a disconnect. They couldn’t understand what was making that sound in the sky, so they named it a god, Thor. This god’s name represents the fifth day of our week, Thor’s Day, or Thursday. It’s a piece of antiquity reminding us of worshipping a god who did not exist. Barker maintains that the belief of all gods, even the Jewish/Christian God are myths—stories people believe to try to understand life.

  He explains that the story of Adam and Eve is an example of this “fiction,” as he calls it. He argues that evolution, stating that men evolved into a human rather than being instantly created, proves Adam and Even could not have existed. He maintains that this is just one of many stories in the Bible. He also refers to Jesus’ parables. Barker argues that if the Bible is filled with metaphors and parables, the Bible’s God is also fiction.


What Are the Biblical Arguments that God Exists?

If the Bible is fiction, its arguments for God’s existence would be futile. But before we base our belief that the Bible is fiction on one man’s reasoning, first consider the Bible’s staying power. The Bible is still one of the most popular books today. According to, 20 million Bibles are sold each year. That’s a lot of Bibles. I am the author of three books, and I can’t imagine selling a million in a year, much less 20 million. So, despite the attempts throughout history to destroy and denounce this holy book, people want to read it. This astronomical number proves that the Bible’s ancient wisdom and truth hold significance

  The very first sentence in the Bible claims God’s existence. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). According to this verse, if there were no God, the world would not exist. His purpose is to create, and his nature is one of power and goodness. As the creation narrative unfolds, God proclaims his creation of light, land, vegetation, sea creatures, birds of the air, animals roaming the earth, and man and woman good.

  The Bible begins with God and ends with him. Nowhere does it try to prove God exists. Blue Letter Bible commentator Don Stewart makes this point. He writes, “Nowhere do we find in Scripture a series of proofs of His existence. The Bible assumes the fact of God’s existence and calls upon people to make a venture of faith toward Him.”

  Scripture does, however, proclaim the proof of God in creation and the beauty of the heavens. In his letter to the church in Rome, Paul proclaims the evidence of God:

  “For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. Ever since the creation of the world his eternal power and divine nature, invisible though they are, have been understood and seen through the things he has made. So they are without excuse” (Romans 1:19-20).

  According to the 35 authors who penned one of the most popular books of all time, the question of God’s existence never seemed to occur. They did not write dissertations proving his presence. They wrote about a God they knew—a God they had experienced and worshiped who helped them live life to its fullest.


What Are the Philosophical Arguments that God Exists?

Not only does creation point to a creator, and the Bible’s authors assume his existence. Many philosophers also argue for the existence of God. One of these arguments revolves around science. While some like Barker point to the theory of evolution as proof that the God of the Bible does not exist, others use science to prove that he does.


  9 Ways the Bible Defines True Manliness

  The Scientific Argument

  Philosophers who support God’s existence point to our planet’s complex, life-sustaining properties. For example, the earth exists at the perfect distance and force of gravity between itself and the sun. In “How Do We Know There’s a God When We Can’t See Him,” Aaron Menikoff writes about the earth’s perfect amount of gravity: “If it were off by just one part in 1040 (a 10 with 40 zeros after it), that would mean no sun and, therefore, no earth.”

  This is a good place to start if someone needs a fact to prove a divine creator exists. Countless details of our planet and our bodies point to a God. The birth of a baby, the complexity of our eyes, and the muscle and brain activity involved in a simple breath all reveal a higher power.

  The Morality Argument

  Yet, philosophers argue that more than science proves a God. Many argue our hearts—our ability to judge between right and wrong point to a God too. This is known as the morality argument. Shaun Doyle takes on this theory in “Philosophical Arguments for God.” Doyle explains, “Moral values and duties impress themselves upon us every day.” The point he is making is if we didn’t have morals, we wouldn’t have organizations fighting against abortion, courts where crimes are judged, and nonprofits feeding the poor. The fact good happens every day proves a higher power. If there were no God, no separation of good and evil would exist, and perhaps we’d have no purpose.


Does Life Have Meaning if No God Exists?

We want our life to have meaning. We desire a reason for existing on this planet. The truth is God gives us purpose. If the Creator of life does not exist, we’re all just an accident on an existential timeline whose purpose is no greater than an ant’s. We would only exist to breathe the perfectly formulated air into our lungs, work hard, and die. Life has no purpose without God—especially the God of the Bible.

  This God promises purpose in this life that goes beyond our years on earth. King David wrote in the psalms about the relational, purpose-giving Creator-God:

  “My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” (Psalm 139:15-16)

  Eternity in Our Hearts

  God has placed eternity in our hearts. One of the greatest authors of all time, C.S. Lewis, a former atheist, wrote with great assurance of God. Lewis wrote in Mere Christianity, “If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.” If indeed we were made for another world, our life in this world must matter. The wisest man in the world, King Solomon wrote about God:

  “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” (Ecclesiastes 3:11)

  Perhaps the mere question of God’s existence, our desire for purpose proves he is real.


Prayers thanking God that He Exists

I can’t imagine living a life without this relational, brilliant Creator-God. Nor can I imagine dying without the hope and promise of purpose. All faith must start with the one who formed us in our mother’s womb and “ordained” all our days.

  If the awe and worship of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, join me in a prayer of praise to the One who holds the perfect measurement of gravity in place. As King Solomon said, this is the beginning of wisdom.

  “Creator-God, we praise you and stand in awe of your power, wisdom, and goodness. We see you at sunrise and sunset as the heavens declare your glory. Every breath we breathe reminds us of your reality and leads us to more wisdom, especially to your plans for eternity—the eternity you placed in our hearts. Thank you, God. Amen.”

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